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Person attempting the NYC Sanitation Exam

5 Dos and Don’ts of Civil Service Exam Preparation

Many people don’t prepare enough for their first DCAS exam. This is unfortunate because most civil service exams can only be taken every five years.

An NYC Sanitation vehicleThe NYC Sanitation Exam 2060 DCAS is all the rage right now. Some sanitation employees in DSNY earned up to $300,000 last year. A lot more people will appear in this NYC Sanitation Exam, making it even harder for you to compete.

Before we get into the dos and don’ts, let’s take a brief look at the recruitment process to understand why you need to consider all the dos and don’ts in the first place.

The DCAD Exams Recruitment Process 

Many people want to join civil service departments more than the number of open positions. Civil service positions are particularly attractive in NYC because of competitive market pay, incredible benefits, ideal work-life balance, and a clear career path. It’s the federal government’s responsibility to treat all the candidates equally and give everyone a fair chance.

This is why the DCAS exams are open for anyone to apply. They have minimal requirements, and you can appear in the exam even if you don’t meet some of the requirements for the job just yet (such as age or a degree). However, all this also makes the DCAS exams harder for everyone.

Passing the Suffolk Police or the FDNY exam is rarely enough to get hired. You can kiss the job goodbye if you aim to reach the required 70% score in NYC Sanitation Exam 2060 DCAS. This is because federal departments make a “hiring list” of all the candidates that pass the exam. You may be able to access your hiring list online.

The hiring list rewards those that worked harder to prepare for the exam. When there’s a vacant position in the department, HR calls a candidate from the top of the list. This way, the candidates who prepare better and score higher are always called earlier. You may not be called until the next exam if you cut too low on the list.

You have to consider many things when preparing for a DCAS exam to ensure you’re hired sooner. With this in mind, here are some dos and don’ts of civil service exam preparation.

Person preparing for the Suffolk Police exam1- Do Start Preparing ASAP

Just submitted the NYC Sanitation Application? There’s no time to waste! Enrolling yourself as soon as possible is the best way to get ahead of the competition. At Civil Service Success, we’re currently enrolling in our classes for the NYC Sanitation Exam 2060 DSAS. Get enrolled now!

For other DCAS exams, stay in touch to join preparation classes for your department as soon as the admissions open. The sooner you start preparing, the better you’ll do against the other candidates.

2- Don’t Think You Can Wing It

Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.The DCAS exams are designed to test a lot of different natural abilities. You may think complex problem-solving only belongs in the Suffolk Police or the FDNY exam, but you’d be wrong. All DCAS exams are full of questions that require high cognitive abilities, and you have no chance of passing without preparation; unless you’re Sherlock Holmes.

You may think these exams only test you for your competency for the job. The truth is, these exams also examine you for higher positions in the department. This is especially true for the Suffolk and Nassau Police Exams. Also, if the exams were easy, many candidates would get a perfect score, and the hiring list we discussed earlier won’t work. By including questions with different difficulty levels, these exams ensure there’s always a way to score higher.

A pile of books on a desk3- Do Skip Prep Books

Prep books are okay if you want to practice altitude exams in general, but they can only get you so far. The thing is, most prep books are made for civil service exams in the entire US. You won’t find a book for the Nassau Police Exam or the NYC Sanitation Exam, at least not a proper one.

Taking prep classes with instructors that have worked in the department you’re applying for is a much better way to prepare. Your local instructors understand the specifics of DCAS exams in NYC far better than authors trying to sell the highest number of copies throughout the country.

4- Don’t Underestimate the Competition

In the NYC Sanitation Exam 2060 DCAS, you’ll compete with candidates from all over New York City. People living in counties near NYC can also apply for the position. Last time, more than 94,000 people were used for the exam. The number is going to be even higher this time.

Looking at the previous exam’s hiring list, you’ll see a huge distribution in scores. Some candidates scored much higher than others, and they’re the ones who get called first. Keep this in mind when preparing.

5- Do Join The Oldest School in NYC for DCAS Exams

No one can train you better for DCAS exams than those who have led successful careers in NYC federal departments. At Civil Service Success, our teachers are retired civil service employees that train you for every part of the exam. Our classes for NYC Sanitation Exam 2060 DCAS are starting in August, and we highly encourage you to join. We also host Nassau Police Exam and NYC Firefighter Exam prep classes.

Want to give your best in your DCAS exam? Get in touch now!

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