
New York City Firefighter Exam

FDNY Exam Study Course

FDNY Exam – Make 2024 your year for success!  The FDNY exam #4044 applications are now available, with exam to be held in January 2025.

The FDNY Exam has been announced!

The FDNY Exam is scheduled to take place in the Fall of 2024. The latest update is that the application period will start on 6/24/2024 as per the Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS). The last time New York City had a New York City Firefighter Exam (FDNY) was back in 2017. This 7-year gap between the exams is not the norm but due to Covid restrictions and other issues this latest scheduled exam took much longer as per DCAS. Typically, the FDNY exam in given once every four to five years. So the time to act is now! Don’t miss out on this excellent opportunity in 2024 as the next exam might be a long wait.

The FDNY exam is a multiple-choice computerized test that you must apply for and then months later sit for the exam. The hiring list is based upon the exam results with the higher marks being called first. Appointment to the FDNY Fire Academy at Randall’s Island is only achieved by scoring a high mark on the FDNY Open competitive exam and then passing the physical agility exam, medical, psychological, background check and oral interview. We at Civil Service Success can help you achieve this dream. We are offering live in person class and online classes for this very competitive FDNY exam. Our goal is to give you the tools to score a high mark and be called for the job. A passing grade is not enough as you must score a high mark on the exam in order to become a New York City Firefighter.

FDNY Academy

The Fire Academy is 18 weeks of intense physical training and classroom learning. Here are some study tips that can help you succeed:

  • Approach the Fire Academy as an enjoyable opportunity. Remember how far you have already come and always keep your career goal with FDNY in mind.
  • Find a quiet place to study that is well lit with minimal distractions. Also be sure to stay organized, so you know what material needs your attention.
  • Keep good notes especially about numbers, facts and acronyms. Create written flashcards for the most important material or enter your notes into your phone, so that you can study no matter where you are.
  • Use a memorization technique called “name mnemonics.” This technique takes the first letter of each word to create a memorable phrase. You may have learned this as a child in studying the colors of the rainbow, using the mnemonic “ROY G BIV” to remember Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet.
  • Join or create a study group with your fellow Probationary Firefighters. Studying in a group offers exposure to different perspectives and ways of analyzing information. You can also compare notes among the group and make sure you haven’t missed anything.
  • Make a daily study schedule and commit to it. Many people do best first thing in the morning. Read the most difficult material first while your mind is fresh.
  • Ask questions in class and get extra help if you need it. You need to fully comprehend the study materials. Memorization is good, but understanding is most important.
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