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Memory-improving tips

Memory Improving Tips to Ace the 2023 Suffolk Police Exam

Examining a candidate’s ability to remember information is a crucial part of the selection process for the Suffolk Police Exam. In the United States, they are used as a part of the evaluation process for prospective police officers.

Memory Hacks to Ace 2023 Suffolk Police Exam 

The following are the memory hacks to ace the 2023 Suffolk Police Exam:

1. Be Aware of Your Environment

Attentiveness to context is the first step while prepping for your Suffolk Police Exam. Until now, you’ve probably been coasting through life without considering your immediate surroundings. You may be familiar with the general location of a bank or a residence, but have you ever noticed the time on the clock atop the building or the number on the door?

This sort of nuanced information will be used to evaluate your performance. Focus on the smallest things as you go about your daily routine.

It would help if you adopted a mindset that allows you to spot these nuances. If you practice being precise in your mental analysis, you’ll find it much simpler to commit details about the world around you to memory. It will help you ace the 2023 Suffolk Police exam.

Memory hacks

2. Make Connections in Your Head

Coming up with smart and even insane associations is one of the easiest methods to prepare for the observational component of the Suffolk police exam.

You can visualize your surroundings and the smallest details around you and examine how they relate to your daily life. You might notice the door number that might remind you of a place or animal, something that you can associate that number to, something of significance to you.

This will stick in your mind much longer. If you were to be asked to recollect the exact details from now, you would be much more likely to remember the facts in the crazier version than you would be in the forgettable version. It will be easier for you to remember the things you have a hard time remembering. Relativity and association is the key to remembrance.

3. Exercise

Working out is another memory hack that works wonders. You might think it has nothing to do with remembering; however, researchers at the Injury Relief Medical Centre have found that regular exercise helps maintain a healthy brain and, by extension, a healthy memory.

The brain’s memory center is activated during physical activity. Therefore, exercise is beneficial before, during, and after studying because it promotes the growth of new blood vessels, enhances oxygen delivery to the brain, and expands the size of the memory center.

In addition to helping you focus and retain the material you’ve been reviewing, physical activity helps reduce stress and anxiety. If you want to ace the 2023 Suffolk police test, you must make it a manageable lifestyle adjustment because it can positively impact your memory.

Memory-boosting tips

4. Practice

As frustrating as it can be, there are instances when learning isn’t enough.

Here’s when a bank of sample questions comes in handy. You can improve your knowledge and skills for the Suffolk police test by practicing with sample questions. This may serve as a demotivator at first. The truth is that no matter how much time you put into studying for an exam, you will first get more questions wrong than right. However, you should plan.

If you only get 10 out of 50 questions right this week, the remaining 40 questions and their explanations are suddenly priceless. Now that you have that information, you can maybe improve your score. What’s important is that the upward trend is steady, even gradual. In the long run, that is what will keep you studying.

5. Training

You can use your memories in extremely potent ways to ace the 2023 Suffolk police exam. These techniques are relatively easy to master and immensely powerful, allowing you to retain more than 92% of relevant information for any given situation.

Having a bad memory is a common problem. However, memory works much like any other muscle in the human body. Training is a lengthy process, and there are no quick fixes. But with the right kind of instruction, you can simplify things.

The rate at which your mind can transform new information into permanent memories depends on the efficiency of your training methods. You’ll also get better at assessing situations and making decisions based on what you see, which is a crucial ability for any police officer in the United States to have.

How to improve your memory

6. Online and Downloadable Brain Exercise Software and Games

Using brain-training games or software is another memory hack that can help you enhance your memory for the Suffolk police exam.

Many programs have been developed and tested to alter your thinking and memory. When you keep your mind engaged in a way that is both pleasurable and challenging, you boost your memory capacity without even realizing it. A brain training game or program should be used as a reward alongside more conventional methods to maximize its benefits. These techniques boost memory capacity; this means that you can have fun while still learning.


Learning everything you need to know to succeed on the 2023 Suffolk police exam is not rocket science. If you give yourself a chance with the right resources, attitude, and strategy, there is no way that you will not ace this exam. Exam preparation can seem overwhelming at first, but as you see your efforts pay off, you’ll come to appreciate the test and see it for what it is: a necessary first step on the path to a rewarding and fulfilling career. Contact Civil Service Success for preparation material to excel at your exam.

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