Tips for Clearing the Suffolk County Police Department Entrance Exam

Do you desperately want to pass the Suffolk County Police Exam but find yourself lost in a maze of questions?  If you answered yes, then you’re in the right place because today we’re presenting to you a concise guide on how to clear the SCPD entrance exam!

Now, before we begin, let’s just make it clear that any test—even this one—is going to seem challenging if you’re not going to prepare well for it. The good news is that we’re offering tuition classes in various locations across New York to help you get ready for the SCP exam!

Topics you should prepare for

The Suffolk County Police exam will test a variety of cognitive abilities. Some common themes you can expect on the exam paper include:

  • Cognitive ability assessment
  • Reasoning Ability
  • Work, school life experience questions
  • Questions addressing personality traits that are associated with successful performance of law enforcement duties.
  • Judgment and problem solving
  • Memory
  • Reading comprehension

If you think you’re weak in any one of these areas, you can sign up with us. Our 3-session preparation classes provide an in-depth overview of the exam and focus on common problem areas among students.

Exam tips

  • Pay attention to all the written and verbal instructions provided by the test conductor. Feel free to ask questions if you have any doubts but make sure you speak your mind before the test begins because after that you won’t be allowed to communicate with anyone.
  • All test sections are timed so make sure you manage your pace. There will be some sections that you’ll have to return after the allotted time while others can be submitted at the end of the entire exam. One trick is to divide the number of questions with the amount of time given to complete the test. This way you’ll know how much time to spend on a question at most.
  • In terms of keeping a steady work speed, never get hung up on any one question. Read it carefully but if you don’t know the answer to it, move on to the rest of the paper. You can come back to it later. Do make sure you answer all the questions given.
  • In our experience of civil service exam preparation, there are really no “trick questions.” Even if you’re unsure about your answer, reason through them and pen down something that stays close to subject logic.

Most testing comes down to a solid preparation. Register for the Suffolk County Police Exam classes at Civil Service Success now!

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