a person listening to music while studying

The Ultimate Exam Prep Playlist: Songs to Motivate and Energize You

Let’s be honest; prepping for exams is no walk in the park. It requires aspirants to memorize mountains of text, organize study sessions, practice with old tests, and much more. The entire process is exhausting, and the pressure to perform well can be nerve-wracking.

This is especially true when it comes to highly competitive civil servant tests like the 2023 Suffolk Police exams. Candidates attempting the test should be extremely productive to stay on top of their studies and ensure optimal academic performance. However, it’s easy for individuals to be unmotivated and overwhelmed when they have much to do.

Thankfully, studies show that music can increase our productivity levels by uplifting our mood. It’s why we have carefully curated a Suffolk exam prep playlist to motivate and energize you.

How Music Can Empower and Motivate

We know what you’re thinking; you’re probably wondering how music can increase productivity. The answer is actually pretty simple.

According to research, our brain releases dopamine when we listen to music. This is a type of neurotransmitter that’s a feel-good chemical. It gets released by the brain when it is expecting some reward. So, when someone does a fun activity, like listening to their favorite music, it makes them feel happier. As a result, candidates become more motivated to study after listening to the songs they enjoy.

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Additionally, fast-paced music can help us feel excited. That’s because the rhythm attaches to our entrainment. This is a brain process that synchronizes us with the rhythm. So, when we listen to more fast-paced music, it boosts our motivation.

That’s not all because individuals who get distracted by music can still benefit from it by listening to classical pieces. According to a study, listening to Mozart can increase our spatial-temporal reasoning temporarily. This gives us the ability to mentally move objects and solve problems with multiple steps.

Now, with that out of the way, we have listed our Suffolk exam prep playlist below.

Lose Yourself, Eminem

Okay, put your “mom’s spaghetti” jokes aside for this one because the first song on our list is Eminem’s Academy Award-winning number Lose Yourself. This song finds one of the greatest rappers of the 21st century at his absolute zenith. It’s also a great anthem that reminds us how important it is to seize the moment.

a person listening to music

If you have ever felt like an underdog, the lyrics can inspire you to reach for the stars. The song’s fast pace is also intense enough to make your heart race and get you going.

You can also give Guano Apes’ cover of the song a try if you prefer nu-metal.

Wasted Years, Iron Maiden

The second song on our Suffolk exam prep playlist is Iron Maiden’s anthem Wasted Years. This relatively more mainstream Maiden number has the band’s signature dual melodies and an amazing atmosphere to motivate you.

The lyrics of the song are also incredibly inspiring. They are bound to touch you, especially if you are in a place in life where you wish to achieve your dreams. The song reminds us of how precious time is and that we should seize every moment.

Survivor, Destiny’s Child

The next number on our list is a great lesson on resilience by Queen Bey and co. Survivor by Destiny’s Child is an absolute banger reminding us that we must keep pushing through to reach our dreams. If you feel like you’ve been slacking off your studies, this song is just the cure to get you to work harder.

Imagine, John Lennon and Yoko Ono

The final song on our Suffolk exam prep playlist is a masterpiece that has stood the test of time. Imagine, titled after the album, showcases the legendary singer and songwriter Lennon at his natural best. Unlike the other contenders on this list, this Centennial Song Award winner is more mellow and reminds us of everything great about this world. This is the ultimate feel-good number to help you start your day with a bang.

a person with headphones on

Civil Service Success Can Help You Prepare for the Suffolk Police Test

Do you require help in prepping for the 2023 Suffolk Police Exam? The Civil Service Success can help!

Civil Service Success takes pride in being the only school offering courses to prepare for the Suffolk Police test. We understand the importance of preparing candidates for the exam, so we offer top courses and study guides to help. Our services include online and in-person classes, key information and guidance, workshops, etc.

Contact us now to learn more. Or you can click the link here to register for our Suffolk police exam classes.

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