All You Need to Know about the NYC Civil Services Written Tests

Planning on giving the NYC Civil Services written test this year? Can’t wait to join the NYC police squad and become part of the prestigious group of officers? You’ve got to pass the exam first!

Here’s what you need to know about giving the written tests.

You Need To Budget Your Time

First thing first; don’t forget that you have limited time to complete the test. The amount of time depends on the examination series and the number of tests included within that, as well as on the material being covered in a given test.

While the time limit may vary with different tests, you’ll be informed of how many hours or minutes you have for a particular exam in advance. Use this information wisely. Make sure you’re aware of both the starting and ending times before your exam date, so that you can plan your test accordingly.

Before starting the actual test, make note of how much you need to spend on each part and keep track of this as you attempt the questions. Divide your time appropriately, based on what questions are more challenging, and make sure you have some time at the end to cross check your work.

All Questions Must Be Answered

You’ll be provided with directions outlining the question sets that need to be completed for each test booklet. Make sure you go over the instructions carefully and answer the right questions. It’s imperative that all questions be answered for maximum credit.

Moreover, you’re also responsible for ensuring that you’ve got the correct test booklet with you for the test and any other test material required for the exam.

Answers Need to be Marked on the Answer Sheet

You’ll be provided with several test booklets containing the questions you’re supposed to answer. Even for the short answers and multiple choice questions, however, you need to use the separate, scannable answer sheet provided to mark your answer. This is because the answer sheets are scanned as well as scored by computer, and failure to mark your answers here will result in you losing out.

For maximum credit, make sure you:

  • Use a sharp No. 2 pencil for marking your answers
  • Accurately fill in the required identification details in each of the answer sheets
  • Use the right test booklet with the right answer sheet, as identified on the papers
  • Mark the correct number and letter for each answer. A common mistake candidates make is not matching the questions accurately with the answer sheet, resulting in low scores despite having known the right answers.

Civil Service Success is offering classes for the Suffolk County Police testGet in touch with us to achieve top scores in your civil service examination!

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